External Resources

This list offers links to a few important sites with different features and functions for readers interested in further information about music therapy.

International Index of Music Therapy Organisations (IIMTO)
is an open source mailing directory of music therapy organisations, such as associations and training institutions. The list can be downloaded as an excel-file from Nordoff Robbins, UK.

Music Therapy World
is a useful web-site for music therapy students, practitioners, and researchers. One of the main features of the site is a music therapy literature database with free access. Music Therapy World also offers many links, as well as practice news, research news, a video collection and an archive.

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
is an international scholarly journal, and Voices is published in affiliation with this journal. NJMT's web-site includes book reviews in full length and some original and previously published articles with free access.

World Federation of Music Therapy
is the only international organization dedicated to the development and promotion of music therapy world wide, and Voices is established in collaboration with WFMT. Their website includes a definition of music therapy, information about the history and the councils of WFMT, as well as guidelines and papers on education and training. WFMT also holds international conferences on music therapy, with world congresses every third year, the next world congress being: